
Moritz is a young boy whose mother has to go to hospital for an indefinite period of time. He is entrusted to his neighbors, a male couple, who look after him with the best of care. The three of them would be an ideal temporary family, were it not for the authorities and the villagers, for whom it is unacceptable that a 10-year-old boy might live with two gays! A tug-of-war begins.
Director Stefan Haupt succeeds in holding on course the various threads of this melodrama, written by him and Christa Capaul. He offers suspense with numerous twists and even surprises with a cathartic portion of humour, at the latest when the events threaten to lapse into tragedy or kitsch. (...) There is also young acting talent to discover here – with the ten-year-old Jonas Rohr leading the way in his impressive mastering of the title role.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 26.10.2003
Moritz adeptly plays with clichés, without selfrighteous garrulity or a sense of educational urgency. The film takes up a subject, still taboo for many, and simultaneously delivers excellent entertainment.
Berner Zeitung, 24.10.2003
Film and figures are set in an environment that depicts a blend of rural and urban, and actually quite typical for today’s Switzerland: no longer the country idyllic, but also not yet the urban metropolis. An intermediate stage, so to speak, without cynicism or ridicule. In a nutshell: everyday life in Switzerland.
Press release Swiss Television
RegieStefan Haupt
DrehbuchChrista Capaul, Stefan Haupt
KameraStefan Kälin
TonPatrick Becker
MusikRoman Glaser
AusstattungDoris Berger
BeleuchtungSalvatore Piazzitta
CastingCorinna Glaus
DarstellerInnenRudolph Straub, Anatole Taubman,
Jonas Rohr, Lilian Fritz, Heidi Diggelmann
OriginalversionSchweizerdeutsch, Farbe, DigiBeta SP, 87 min.
Auch mit deutschen und englischen UT’s erhältlich
ProduktionTriluna Film AG
Schweizer Fernsehen DRS
Fontana Film
ProduzentRudolf Santschi
RedaktionStefan Haupt
RegieStefan Hoffmann
WeltrechteTriluna Film AG
WeltvertriebTelepool GmbH,
UraufführungOktober 2003
FestivalsCinéma tout écran, Genf, 2003
Fernseh-Filmfestival Baden-Baden, 2003
Solothurner Filmtage 2004
San Francisco Int. Lesbian & Gay Film Festival, 2004
Pride 04, Genève, 2004
Philadelphia Int. Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, 2004
Miami Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, 2005
Schwule Filmwoche Freiburg (D), 2005