Increschantüm – Heimweh

«Increschantüm» is the Romansch word for homesickness, as well as for longing. «Ils Fränzlis da Tschlin» is the name of a group that plays folk music from the Engadine. The name refers to Franz Josef Waser, a legendary blind fiddler who is remembered for the «Fränzlimusik» he created with members of his family in the second half of the 19th century, and who was credited with having perfect pitch.
It is said that the people of the Engadine all have one thing in common: even while still in their native land they suffer from homesickness. A film about the music of the «Fränzlis», about its spirit, the people who perform it, their culture, their history, and the way they are torn between tradition and progress. A film about the Engadine region, about the love and longing which it inspires, and above all about homesickness.
Stefan Haupt succeeded brilliantly in capturing the spirit of the “Fränzlimusik.” When the camera holds to the music on the flowing Inn, you feel how harmoniously the region and music have bonded here. (...) A captivating docu-musical.
Gerhart Waeger, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 19.01.1998
Broad subject matter rendered co- herent by the wonderfully melancholic music.
Elio Pellin, Berner Zeitung, 31.01.2001
In a calm narrative flow, Stefan Haupt portrays the history and origins of this music: he uses it and the five musicians in an associative montage as an opportunity to listen closely to not only the folk music, but also to the Engadine soul.
Andeas Stock, St. Galler Tagblatt, 15.02.2001
RegieStefan Haupt
KameraHans Schürmann
TonThomas Thümena
SchnittMyriam Flury
DarstellerIls Fränzlis da Tschlin
OriginalversionRätoromanisch (deutsche Untertitel),
Farbe, Beta SP, 68 min.
TV-Fassung (49 min.) auch erhältlich
ProduktionFontana Film
Koproduktion Televisiun Rumantscha
WeltrechteFontana Film
Verleih SchweizFrenetic Films
UraufführungKino: Januar 2001
TV-Ausstrahlungen auf SF DRS, TSR, TSI, 3sat
Festivals2. Fest der Künste, St. Moritz, 2000
Solothurner Filmtage 2001
«Der neue Heimatfilm», Freistadt, Österreich, 2001
«Europäisches Jahr der Sprachen»,
Filmoteca Española Madrid, 2001
«Heimat – deine Sterne» Dokumentarfilmreihe
Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus Berlin, 2001